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This video contains a variety of my eLearning samples that demonstrate my capabilities in eLearning design, video editing, and visual effects. I created this video using Articulate Storyline 360, Premiere Pro, and After Effects. Please enjoy!

selected works

crossover prevention training:

the distributor's role

Video training that demonstrates the best practices for delivering lubricant products to the customer.

Crossover Prevention Training

travel safety training

Gamified eLearn that provides guidance for handling common hazards that can occur while traveling.

Travel Safety Training

off-highway sales training

Blended learning program that helps the Off-Highway lubricant sales team grow and maintain their business.

Off-Highway Sales Training

Accounts Receivables Fundamentals

Scenario-based eLearn that helps accounts receivables professionals develop creative solutions for solving long-term payment issues. 

Accounts Receivables Fundamentals

proactive 3

Software simulation eLearn that trains customer service professionals how to use ProActive 3, the new order tracking software.

ProActive 3 Software Training

data privacy training

Compliance training eLearn that explains how to handle personal information according to the company's Data Privacy Code of Conduct.

Data Privacy eLearn

negotiation strategies & tactics

Instructor-led training that provides negotiation strategies for fire fighters who are leaders in their local union. 

Negotiation Strategies & Tactics Training
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